Tuesday 21 August 2012

What's really important!

Hi everyone! Its been a hectic weekend and it took me till now to recover! On Friday evening there was a 5km night race at the school. It was a memorial run for one of the teachers at school who passed away a month ago. He was 46yrs old and past away very suddenly of pancreatic cancer. His wife happens to be my friend and their kids are friends with mine. I decided to do the race with all my friends as a token of support for the family. Unfortunately my husband wasn't very supportive because he said I will be so sore afterwards and that I had to spend the whole Saturday on my feet at school as well. But what really got to me was that he thought I'm just being plain stupid!I am everything but stupid! Every now and again we all have to do something "stupid"for a friend or a loved one because we care. I care for my friends! And that to me is not stupid. I am so glad I did it. I was sore and it was a taxing weekend, but I would do it again. Maybe not regularly but on the occasional time when I can put my own feelings aside to be there for a friend! And just by the way, I have sort of recovered and things are sort of back to normal! Ultimately its our choice what we do with our bodies! I am ill and can't do a lot and when I do something "stupid" it doesn't mean I have miraculously recovered from my illness, it means plain and simple that I care for other people other than myself as well!

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