Wednesday 1 August 2012


Hi there! I am married and a mother of four beautiful boys(12, 10 and twins aged 7). I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about a year ago, but sure I have had it for much longer than that. I'm 33years old. Until recently I have sort of managed the disease, but have finally reached my threshold. I am now permanently on pain meds etc. My doctor has also advised me not to work for at least the next six month. This has overall made me very depressed and made me feel so alone. Hence the blog. I would like to hear from other people how they cope and just talk to people who know how I feel. I live in South Africa and alot of people don't know about fms. And some doctors don't even believe its a real illness.How wrong they are! The pain feels very real to me! Please write and tell me how YOU feel! Happy blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Fibromyalgia Community? Our members will appreciate it.
    Members include: Those living Fibro, Family and Friends, Experts, Support Groups.
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website. You can also add Articles, News, Photos and Videos if you like.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    Please feel free to share as often as you like.
    The Fibromyalgia Community:
    I hope you consider sharing with us.
    Thank you,
    James Kaufman, Editor
