Thursday 16 August 2012

The battle continues!

Hi everyone! I'm going to start by saying that last night went really well as far as the twins are concerned. They both went on stage in front of hundreds of people. They are only 7 and this was their first time to compete in the junior Mr & Miss Sunshine at school. The one that's usually shy was suddenly not so shy and stole the show. He actually went through to the finals. Even though he didn't win he was definately a winner in mommy's eyes. It was not all fun and games though, I had to sit in a very uncomfortable chair for 3 and a half hours. Needless to say, I came home and tried to get to bed asap. I didn't sleep well at all and woke this morning feeling half dead! Had to take the kids to school and get through the day somehow! The day went from bad to worse! I did groceries, bought some meds at the chemist, stood in various qeues and when I finally got home again I was in so much pain. Then I realised that I forgot to buy half the stuff I was supposed to get. Well, I got into my bed and just burst out crying! Not just from the pain, but also about the fact that I seem to be forgetting everything! I'm losing my mind!! The fog is so bad at the moment. I have been trying to be positive and try to fight the pain and thought I could think myself better. Today the pain won and I crumbled! Tomorrow, well, I will let you know...


  1. Been there and done that! You're right sitting in those chairs can be horrible. I sometimes think the fog can be worse than the pain, because it makes me feel so inadequate at times. Keep your chin up and keep at it! We all have days we crumble the key is to get back up and going as soon as you are able to!

    I wanted to say Thanks for commenting on my blog, it was a lovely comment, but for some reason my blog isn't showing it yet. Trying to figure out what's wrong with the Disqus commenting system right now.

  2. Thanks Emily! I am staying positive and active. If anyone is going to fight this disease it's me. I refuse to live the rest of my life like a zombie! Even if its just one baby-step at a time!
