Monday 29 October 2012

Not so positive today...

Hi Everyone!

I have been thinking about writing something positive for a change and not just complaining about the pain. Seems like my life is pretty much consumed with pain though. I just can't think of anything really positive to write about. Fibromyalgia is a very negative subject for me.

I have read quite a lot of blogs and it seems like I'm sort of in the same situation as most of the other fibro sufferers. That is the people who has full blown fibro of-course. Seems like there is a difference. There are some people that say their fibro is under control without medication etc. Is that possible? I have tried it both ways. With meds and without meds. Exercising and massage etc. The whole caboodle! Even stuff like acupuncture. So far nothing has worked for me. I'm still looking for the right thing. As a matter of fact, over the last two years it has just gotten worse.

I am sick of trying everything that's on the market. All the supposedly miracle cures for fibro etc. As far a I know, there is no cure for fibromyalgia. This I'm pretty sure about. If there was a cure we would have all known about it. There's only stuff for the symptoms and that only works for some people with fibro. My personal opinion is that those things help for people with some signs of fibro and not the ones with full blown fibro. Maybe they had some deficiency and taking supplements has helped for it and hence the miraculous recovery! There are many deficiencies that can present as fibro symptoms. So when I hear people are cured, and not using anything but positive thinking and a couple of vitamins I'm very skeptical. If I could cure myself by positive thinking I would have been better by now.

I have always loved doing things for myself and loved being independent etc. I have hopes and dreams and so many things I still want to do in life. I definitely did not choose to feel this sick all the time. I would do almost anything to just feel better. Even if it was just for a couple of days a month. To be pain free for one day would be a miracle!

I love it when I read some medical journals and they say that fibromyalgia is no mystery and that, with the right guidance, you can live a normal life. Now, in my opinion a normal life would be getting up rested in the morning, going to work, managing your house, children, house work etc, cooking, feeling good, going places, having friends over, going to movies, visiting places. Also sleeping through the night, and have I mentioned living this life absolutely pain-free! Oh yeah! Sure, bring it on! If I could live just half a normal life it would be so great! Please cure me! Fibromyalgia is a mystery otherwise we would all be cured by now!

I know some people would probably not agree with me, but this is just my opinion and just me writing what I'm feeling!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to believe anyone says you can live a normal live with FM. Maybe, in the beginning, one can live a normal life, depending on what one calls normal, but for many of us Fibromites, we just end up getting sicker, unless we take medicine and supplements. I got off Cymbalta for a while, and I was crying with the pain. It was unbearable. I just wanted someone to knock me out. My legs swelled too. It was a very weird experience. I just recently had a bout of feeling like I had the flu, but it was FM. I remember a time I riding in the car was agony: I felt every little jostle. Fibromyalgia is real. That is for sure. Just because someone doesn't talk about every ache or pain and the fatigue, doesn't mean they aren't feeling it.
