Tuesday 9 October 2012

In full swing!

Hi Everyone!

The kids are back at school and everything is back in full swing again. Especially my fibro! The driving and little sleep has got me in bed again! Think the fact that it's cold and raining is not helping either.

Holiday time is better for me. I don't have to drive so much and also don't have to get up so early. I have ordered a supplement that I will hopefully have on Thursday. I'm sure I have a shortage of something. Maybe it will help for that. Now I have to just tell myself everyday to pace myself and not overdo it. That is so difficult to do with four kids in school. Just have to keep my chin up and move forward!

I have experienced the funniest thing. About 4 weeks ago I got bitten by a mosquito in two spots. It made really big red marks that stayed for about two weeks. Then it turned into bruises which I still have! Don't know what to think of it? Should I be worried? Maybe its just my funny body that's not working the way it should.

Happy blogging and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. This happened to me once but not the bruises just long term swelling like a really bad allergic reaction. Sorry to say the spots still get itchy!!
