Sunday 25 November 2012

Happy holidays!

Hi Everyone!

The kids are basically on holiday for the next 7 weeks. Most people would think that's a bad thing. To have 4 boys running around and taking over. Not for me though. Now I don't have to drive up and down to school and back. No homework and sport etc. They tend to keep themselves busy most of the time. When things get a bit crowded I take them to the park or the sea. Overall I'm quite happy that it's holidays.

I'm planning on taking it really easy this holiday. I have decided that, seeming as I have been suffering so badly this year with the fibro, I am only going to do what I have to and nothing more. This is my holiday too! Relaxing is on the top of my list! It's also a great time to catch up with friends as we have all been so busy!

As far as my fibro is concerned, I feel so-so. I have been having really bad headaches and the pain in my back, neck and legs are bad too. I take normal over the counter tablets at the moment because everything else makes me sick. Sometimes it helps a bit for the headaches at least. Since I've been of the Lyrica and heavy pain stuff I can at least think a little more clearly. I still tend to forget a lot of things, but the thinking part is definitely better. Now I feel less of a zombie and more of a human!

Thanks for reading!

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