Sunday 16 September 2012

Weekend bliss!

Hi everyone!

It was my birthday on Saturday and I decided to really chill this year. No big party with lots of people and lots of work. No way I could do that in the state I'm in! So on Friday I went for coffee with my girl friends, where I didn't have to bake or make the coffee or clean dishes. I could just enjoy!

The best part though came Friday afternoon when we went camping at a very quiet and peaceful place. I was so spoiled the entire weekend. I didn't even wash dishes once. We just sat and relaxed and ate and played with the kids!

We had so much fun, wish we could have stayed longer, but alas, the kids have school and we have obligation to attend to. It was such a good thing to be away from all the hussle and bussle at home and in the city. So stress free!

I have decided to try something new for my fibromyalgia. I'm having a special bloodtest done this week where they check which enzymes your body doesn't produce. They then give you a special supplement made specifically for you. I am going to try this as I thought that I really have nothing to loose. None of the conventional medicines are working for me. I will keep everyone updated on the treatment and obviously also the results!

Who knows? Maybe it will help. Or maybe not! We will see!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Can you keep us posted around the enzymes as I have not heard of them before. (I'll try most things!) The best thing that is helping me besides pacing myself is hydrotherapy and massage.
