Friday 7 September 2012

Sleep! Where are you?

Hi Everyone!

Lying awake most of the night all I could think of was sleep. I cannot remember when last I have actually had a full night's sleep. No, I lie, I can remember only one night a couple of weeks ago that I slept through the night. The reason I remember it is because it was such a big thing for me. I was telling everyone that I finally had a good night's rest! But alas, it didn't last...

I love coffee, and thought ok, this is now the last resort for me, I am going to quit caffeine completely. I already have only been drinking coffee in the morning and only rooibos tea (which is caffeine free) from the afternoon to evening. I haven't had any coffee except for decaf for about ten days now. It has changed nothing! Just another thing that didn't work.

The biggest thing is that the problem doesn't lie with falling asleep as much as it lies with staying asleep. I take a sleeping tablet to fall asleep that works just fine. I go to sleep about 10pm-10:30pm and wakes up between 1:30am-2am. That's the only "good" sleep I have in a night. From there on it's very light sleeping and constantly waking up. It doesn't matter what I do, I just can't get a good night's rest!

I'm sure this is a problem that most people with fibro struggle with. The only advice the medical doctors give us when we go to them is to keep a clean sleep routine, don't drink any caffeine, don't do this, don't do that. Well let me tell you, none of that has worked for me! That is because that all helps only for you to fall asleep, not keep you asleep for 8-10hours a night! Heck, I'd be happy with six!

I feel that if I could get something that could give me that wonderful restorative good night's rest I would definitely feel better. Not sleeping well means our bodies don't recover properly and we feel like we didn't sleep at all. Sleep plays an important role in restoring our bodies through the night so we can get through the day. No wonder we can't get through the day. It's because all our resources are depleted! And on top of having that we also have to deal with all the pain!

I would love to hear from other people with fibro whether or not they have found sleep!

Thanks for reading!


  1. sleep disturbances are definately connected to fibro and what came first the sleep problem or the fibro? i personally think the sleep problem. Mine began when i had twins which trained me to be a light sleeper and about 5 years later the pain arrived. My sleep is all over the place. You are now (finally) added to Fibro Bloggers Directory No. 69. Thanks for your patience.

  2. FM is no fun. I had it for years before I knew what it was. I just thought I was so active I got lots of aches. I was well into my 30's before I found out what it was, and my doctor said I probably had myofacial syndrome or FM. And nobody ever connected any problems I had with it, until I was in my 50's. At least, you know and can treat it with supplements, etc. Hmmm...sleep...I hate to tell you get what you can and be grateful. I always tended towards being a night owl anyway. When my kids rested, so did I, either reading or sleeping for a few minutes. Sometimes, I think I kept going through sheer will. I try to take chelated magnesium at night,because it is relaxing and I also take melatonin. Sometimes, I fall asleep without help, but usually not. Also,we got one of those sleep number beds--I like soft. I even bought an extra cushy mattress pad to put under my mattress pad. It's like a featherbed, but it's not feathers -- I'm allergic. I put the mattress pad over it, because it would be difficult to wash. FM is tough. But we can make it.
